Friday, December 17, 2010

Why Do I Like Horses

Why do I like horses? I think I must be mad.
My mother wasn't horsey - And neither was my dad.

But the madness hit me early - and it hit me like a curse.
And I've never gotten better. In fact I've gotten worse.

I hardly read a paper - but I know who's sold their horse.
And I wouldn't watch the news - Unless Mr. Ed was on - of course.

One eye's always on the heavens - but my washing waves in vain
As I rush to get the horses in - in case it's gonna rain.

I spend up every cent I've got - on horsey stuff for sure
I buy saddles, bridles, fancy boots - and then I buy some more.

I can't sew on a button - I don't even try
But I can back a truck and trailer - in the twinkling of an eye.

It's jeans and boots that I live in night and day
And that smell of sweaty horses just doesn't wash away.

I ache from long forgotten falls. My knees have got no skin.
My toes have gone a funny shape - from being stomped on again and again.

But late at night, when all is still - and I've gone to give them hay,
I touch their velvet softness and my worries float away.

They give a gentle nicker and they nuzzle through my hair
And I know it's where my heart is - more here than anywhere. 

~Author Unknown

Thursday, December 16, 2010

GAH! I'm losing patience!

I am usually pretty good about waiting for horse related things. I am all for waiting until AT LEAST 3 years old to start horses under saddle. I ride dressage, and good things come to those who wait when bringing along the dressage horse.

But I am losing patience with Medusa. She still has 142 days to go before she foals. I know, I know, I can't change it, but darn it, I WANT TO SEE THE BABY!!! :(

I will post baby belly pics soon! In the mean time, here is a cute pic of a buckskin mare with her baby buckskin! :)

On the bright side, the bitterly cold snap is over for now. It's pretty sad that I am excited about being 17 degrees, but anything above zero feels great!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A little somthing about my daughter....

My little girl is getting to be more and more aware of herself and her surroundings. She is also getting to be a bit selfish and possessive, especially about a little pillow that belongs to Kim.

The Toddler's Creed

If I want it, it's mine.
If I give it to you and change my mind later, it's mine.
If I can take it away from you, it's mine.
If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
If it's mine it will never belong to anyone else no matter what.
If we are building something together, all the pieces are mine.
If it looks like mine, it's mine.

Lets talk about the weather!

Today, I would like to piss and moan about the cold snap we are having in Wisconsin following the huge snow storm that just went through. We got about 18" of snow, 30 MPH winds, and now we are in a deep freeze with lows around -15.

The outlet that my tank heater is plugged into took a shit, my water hose froze solid, and my damn truck gelled up this morning! I am so ready for it to warm up!

We got the outlet fixed last night thanks to Timmy and Chaz, so now the steers have liquid to drink. We dragged the hose down to the heated part of the lower barn to thaw out (dragging hoses around sucks. However, it doesn't suck nearly as bad as hauling buckets!). I had to 2 foot my truck most of the way to work, but she is now in the shop warming up.

I really hate Wisconsin winters. On the bright side, neither of my frost free hydrants (which I hate with a PASSION) have frozen yet. I pray every night that they stay nice and warm and keep working like they are supposed to. I am not looking forward to having to dig one or both of them up and take the torch after them! Kim and I did adopt the heat gun from the shop. Horsepower Acres is now the proud new owner of a slightly used heat gun, and Pure Diesel Power needs to buy a new one. :)

Kim has been frozen solid for the last 5 days. I think we are all pretty tired of having little snot-cicles hanging from our noses. I got pretty annoyed last night when I got my jeans wet while rinsing and refilling the waterer for the chickens. They froze solid instantly. Luckily, I remembered to put on a pair of thermal underwear so it didn't freeze right to my leg. Crunchy, ice crusted pants are no fun to walk around in!

Speaking of chickens, our girls don't seem to care that the days are short and it's cold outside. They are laying too many eggs! We have been giving them to whomever will take them. In this cold snap the eggs that are layed after we leave in the morning are frozen by the time we collect them after work. Silly chickens! I hope they figure out it is winter and slow down the production soon!

Stay warm my friends!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A bit of horsey terminology

A bit of terminology to help you newbies decipher those Horse For Sale Ads!

* Event Prospect = Big Fast Horse
* Dressage Prospect = Big Slow Horse
* Hack Prospect = Pretty Color
* Sporting Prospect = Short Fast Horse
* Camp Prospect = Fast Horse which can turn
* Endurance Prospect = Fast Horse which will turn sometimes
* Flashy = White Socks
* Attractive = Bay
* 15.2hh = 14.3hhh
* 16.2hh = 15.3hh
* To Loving Home = Only Expensive
* To Show Home Only = Very Expensive
* Needs Experienced Rider = Potentially Lethal
* Elegant = Thin
* In Good Condition = Foundered
* Free Moving = Bolts
* Quiet = Lame in Both Front Legs
* Dead Quiet = Lame in All Four Legs
* Good in Traffic (Bombproof) = Lame all Round, Deaf and Blind
* Loves Children = Kicks and Bites
* Pony Type = Small and Hairy
* Arab Type = Looks startled
* TB Type = Looks Terrified
* Quarter Horse Type = Fat
* Warmblood Type = Big and Hairy
* Draught Type = Big and Exceedingly Hairy
* Easy to Catch = Very Old
* Must Sell = Wife has left home and taking kids
* All Offers Considered = I am in Traction for 6 months
* Reluctantly selling = Sale Comes with Title Deeds to Sydney Harbor Bridge

Introducing Medusa!

That Mito Look aka Medusa is a triple registered (AQHA, ABRA and IBHA) buckskin mare by the late great Mito Cierra. She is a 2000 model. She is a multiple futurity money winner, Reserve World Champion, ROM in Longe Line and World Champion producer.

A pic from back in her show days in 03:

I'm waiting on more of her old show pics from Jan Gates of Gates Performance Horses in MI. Jan campaigned her throughout her show career. I'll post them up when I get them.

A few pics of her daughter, That Krymsum Look aka Gracie, by One Hot Krymsun:

Medusa came to me in August of 2010 by way of my friend Nikki Seehafer of Seehafer Quarter Horses. Nikki was having a personality clash with her, and Medusa had to go. I wanted another bitchy mare to keep Turbo in line, so it worked out perfectly!

Shortly after Medusa came home:

Oh, and did I mention that she's due in May? SQUEE! She is bred to Hot By Invitation, 2006 AQHA/IBHA/ABRA Dark Buckskin Stallion by Gucci Only (by Invitation Only) and out of The Hot Mouse (by Hotrodders Jet Set)

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the foal! I will have to get some more recent pics to show off the baby belly, which is HUGE already!

I should probably get a few pics to show why we call her Medusa too. :)

Until next good and stay safe!

Meet Willow!

So we picked up a couple of new girls that you fabulous masses haven't heard about yet because I am admittedly a terrible blogger!

Meet Willow!

Turbo, Vegas, and Willow

Turbo making Willow look tiny!!

Kimberly likes Willow, too!!

Willow is a Clydesdale/QH cross mare. I first met her in 2009. She's not the prettiest thing, but she is SAFE.

Garrett has ridden her a couple of times (LE GASP!) and he likes her.

Elida also thinks riding Willow is super cool!

Willow is safe enough for the beginners, is trail safe, and I also think she is going to make a cute little lower lever dressage prospect. She is broke, but has never had any formal training, so she has a long way to go. Right now we are just taking it slow, learning how to give and how to bend.

Did I mention she is safe? LOL! Here is our newest employee, Chaz, riding Willow. First time rider! Woo Hoo!

Conformation Critiques

Whew! It's been awhile! Sorry boys and girls, fans and haters!

Today I want to talk about conformation critiques. Why do people ask for a critique and then get all butt hurt when their horses faults get pointed out? I just don't get it. Did you think everybody was going to say "Le Gasp! OMG what a perfect pony!" Sorry, even the best halter horses in the world have faults.

When you see these "perfect" horses turned out for the show ring, be sure to watch the handler. The handlers know how to set up their horses for minimize faults. That's their JOB. They know how to set up a horse that may be slightly sickle hocked. They know where to put a horses head to hide an imperfect neck. They know how far they need to rock back a horse that stands under himself.

Are you only looking at these fabled perfect horses in print? Do you realize how much photo editing is done to these pictures before it goes to print? And what it takes to get a shot worthy of even bothering to photo edit? I'm betting that most of you would be quite surprised if you saw these "perfect" horses dressed down and in their farm clothes!

Shall we even get into corrective grooming? Neck sweats, etc?

Moral of the story: Don't ask for a critique if you can't handle it. No horse is perfect. Does that mean your horse sucks? Nope. If he/she does what you ask if them and stay sound doing it, don't worry about it! Love your horses, and try your hardest to become the person they think you are. :)