Monday, March 10, 2014

Foaling kits - What to buy.

'Tis the season for the foaling! It's April, (or it will be anyway) so many mares have already had their babies and proud owners are shooting roll after roll of film so they'll have plenty of photographs to brag on. Your own mare is entering her nineteenth month of pregnancy (you and your vet may disagree on this point, but who has to live with her?) and you anticipate appearance of the new arrival almost any time. Whether this is your first or you haven't had a foal in a while, hopefully this article will help you get keep yourself together.
When you bred your mare last spring (or the spring before - whenever) foaling seemed too far in the future to even think about. You knew your mare was pregnant so you treated her like an expectant mother. Then you began to wonder if you needed to have the vet check her because she just didn't "look" pregnant. You waited. Finally you began to notice she was getting a little fuller in the middle, and lying down to sleep more. She laid her ears back when you tightened the girth. She developed a taste for Krispy Kreme doughnuts and frozen enchiladas. Now she threatens to call her lawyer at the sight of a saddle. She's definitely pregnant and you're absolutely certain she's going to foal sometime in this decade. Where has the time gone?

As the time draws closer, preparing a foaling kit is a very good idea. Besides having all the necessities organized and in one place when needed, it gives the owner something to do while waiting. A foaling kit can be as simple as a bottle of iodine in a bucket, or as elaborate as your imagination can make it. If this is your first attempt at putting together a foaling kit, I'd like to offer a few suggestions.

For the first-time expectant human, I recommend taking a day off work to prepare your foaling kit. Plan a nice outing, and ask a friend to go along. You'll have several stops to make, and you'll enjoy the company. You can treat yourselves to a nice lunch, and think up baby names. Make a careful list of what you'll need the night before - write very clearly because you're likely to be overcome by excitement and you don't want to have to decipher your own handwriting when shopping for something vital.

The first thing you need is something to organize and store your foaling kit in. Experienced "parents" have had success with items such as a Hefty Bag, or one of those nice five-gallon buckets with lids like some brands of vitamins come in. If this is your first, don't try to cram everything you need in one of those type containers. Buy one of those nice new plastic tack trunks. They're big enough to hold everything you'll need, plus you can use them afterward for other things. Anticipating this, be sure and drive the truck when you go "foaling kit shopping".

With your container ready, it's time to start putting in the necessities. I recommend starting with the following: 2 large bags Chips Ahoy cookies, 2 2lb. bags M&Ms, 1 large bag potato chips (your favorite), a bag of large marshmallows, your local Domino's Pizza phone number, portable phone (for calling Domino's), five- and ten-dollar bills and loose change (for paying Domino's) and several 3 liter bottles of Diet Coke (you have to watch your sugar intake at a time like this)*. It's perfectly all right to store all these items in your container; your mare will foal during an unexpected blizzard so it will be cold enough to keep these items without fear of spoilage. "But I live in Florida!" you say. Doesn't matter. Expect a crowd of surly citrus growers at your barn on the night of the blessed event. All of Florida will be under six inches of snow and they'll hold you responsible.

Now that the important items have been packed away, let's get to the things your mare will need. First, a tail wrap. Vetrap or a plain track bandage will do nicely. Some people will tell you the purpose of wrapping a mare's tail is to keep it out of the way during foaling, and to help keep it a little cleaner. I suppose there's some validity to that. Mostly the purpose of wrapping her tail is to give the owner something to do. Wrapping tails is a particularly good distraction for owners, because you can check them every thirty seconds. One note of warning: after you've checked the wrap the first 100 times, it's a good idea to start standing pretty far to the side when checking it. You mare may feel the need to give you what she may feel is a well-deserved kick. Please understand how she feels. Mares do not realize they cannot foal on their own, that they must have your help.

Back to the items that should be in your foaling kit. Several towels are a good idea. Clean ones, please. In fact, some "expectant parents" find it's best to just buy four or five new ones. That way, the newborn has his own towels and won't ever have to share with anyone else. And no one else will ever have to share with him. Some people take a certain comfort in knowing that. The famous (or infamous) bottle of iodine cannot be left out. A large bottle of iodine can be purchased at your local tack shop. As for the wide-mouthed jar, like a baby food jar, to dip the navel stump: forget it. If you think for one moment you are going to get iodine on that baby's belly and not get any on yourself, you are living in a dream world! Besides, it's such fun when people say, " My gosh, what happened to your hand? And your arm? And your FACE!", to be able to grin and reply, "Oh, nothing. My mare had a foal the other night and I spilled a little iodine.". They'll be interested, so you'll launch into a dissertation on foaling which will make them faint after about two hours. A flashlight is a must. You don't want to turn on the barn lights and cause the baby to jump back in if he's been peeking out and considering making an appearance. Besides, without a flashlight you might stumble in the dark barn and fall and knock yourself unconscious and miss everything. Buy extra batteries.

Your local tack shop will probably have foaling announcements. They usually come in packages of twelve, with envelopes. Buy two. You can spend the waiting time addressing the envelopes and filling in all the information except the date and whether it is a colt or filly. If you cannot find foaling announcements, just pick up a couple of packs of baby announcements at your local Hallmark shop. Be sure and cross out "boy" and "girl", and write in "colt" or "filly". Otherwise, it startles a recipient to find out you've had a 95 lb. baby. Be sure to get a big pink or blue bow for your mailbox. (What's really fun is if you have two mares that foal within a month or two of each other, and you get a colt and a filly. It startles passing motorists to see a pink bow on your mailbox only a short time after seeing a blue one.) Be careful with "It's A Boy" or "It's A Girl" balloons in the barn. Some mares are firmly convinced balloons are aliens that have come to earth to round up all the mares and take them to some strange planet where they'll become school horses for spoiled six-year- olds.

Don't forget a baby halter. They come in pink and blue, and have a little strap hanging from the bottom, theoretically for ease of catching the newborn. Don't be misled by this strap. Its actual purpose is so the newborn can drag you around the pasture. Which color should you buy? That's easy; buy one of each. Keep the color you need, and give the other one to a friend who may not be as well prepared as you when their mare foals.

Write down your vet's phone number in a conspicuous place - such as on the inside wall of your barn with a can of Day-Glo spray paint. I don't care how long you've had his or her number memorized, you will forget it. It's important to be able to reach your vet in case of emergency, such as getting up and down repeatedly after contractions begin, and nothing happening, or obvious abdominal distress unrelated to foaling. If you experience either of these symptoms, call your vet immediately. Your farrier's number is not really necessary - few mares feel the sudden need for shoes right after foaling. Of course, if she feels very strongly about shoes, I would certainly recommend giving her whatever she wants.

It is always helpful to know the signs that foaling is imminent. Any good book on horse care will include this information, or your vet will be more than happy to discuss it with you. Basically, when you see a hoof emerge from under the mare's tail, you can be pretty sure foaling is very close. There are other signs, such as the worst rainstorm in fifty years blowing up at 8 pm, or an unexpected visit from relatives you haven't seen in twenty years, but the hoof test is really the only 100% reliable one I've found. The "waxing over" thing is okay - if your mare's udder is a little waxy, you can assume she will foal sometime in the next month or so. That should narrow it down a bit for you, anyway. Your mare's personality is a good indicator of how easy or difficult the birth will be. If she is a timid, nervous mare who shys at everything, she will foal quickly and easily with no problems. If she's a sturdy, no-nonsense honest mare who'll take you through a mine field and never blink at the explosions, the foal will be born upside down and sideways.

Please resist the urge to grab the foal's front legs and yank it out to find out what it is. Also, resist the impulse to shove it back in and ask the mare to work on it a little longer. Foals in the process of being born may not look like your mental picture of a brand-new baby, especially if you've never seen one. Their ears are wet and folded back against their heads, and they have an expression on their faces which seems to say "I have absolutely no idea what is happening to me, but when I get myself together, I'm sure I won't like it." When the foal is completely out, try to refrain from gathering it in your arms and running to the house with it to raise it yourself. It's a major temptation, I know, but pretty soon it's going to realize how hungry it is and it's going to want a meal. Then what are you going to do? Better to leave it with its mother, at least for six months or so. Then it's yours forever.

Friends and family are going to want to come over to see the new arrival. If you can get them to wait a day or so, your mare will really appreciate it. Having a baby is strenuous business, and she needs a little time to get herself together. Besides, the baby needs some time to get his eyes working. He may not recognize someone he's already met if he didn't see them well. Waiting a day or two before allowing visitors also gives you time to clean up the gruesome remains of the event. Empty pizza boxes, cookie and M&M bags and cola bottles scattered throughout the barn detract from the professional image you work so hard to maintain.
So your long-awaited baby is on the ground (or standing up). Congratulations! What are you going to do with it? Do you remember saying nineteen months ago when you first bred your mare, "I can always sell the baby and get my stud fee back, at least."? Okay, so write the ad. What are you waiting for? Write it now, and maybe you can sell it by weaning time.

Oh, what the heck. You can always decide about selling it later. In fact, it's such a nice baby! Did you remember to call the stallion owners and tell them it had been born? No? Then take a good long look at it so you can describe it exactly. Be sure and look closely at its perfect head, and shoulder angle. That stallion sure did cross well with your mare, didn't he? In fact, maybe the stallion owner would be willing to make you a deal on a repeat breeding! Why not! After all, you've got your foaling kit container and you survived foaling once! Go for it!

* One word of warning: When Domino's arrives with your pizza, don't take your eyes off the mare for a minute while paying for it. Many unsuspecting owners have blithely tripped outside to get their pizza and returned to the barn five minutes later to find the mare smirking and the foal standing and enjoying his first meal. Besides being disappointed that you missed the whole thing, you'll forget about your pizza and the dogs will get it. Then you'll have to call Domino's again and wait another thirty minutes!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Things you should NEVER say to your farrier

  •  If you will just give each of the dogs a piece of hoof they will get out from under the horse and quit fighting.
  • As much as you charge, I should get to use that truck too.
  • If you get that done in 30 minutes, you’ll be making $200 per hour.
  • That’s not the way they did it on that horseshoeing show.
  • I see who makes all the money in horses – it’s farriers!
  • My last farrier couldn’t finish this horse’s feet - they gave me your name and number.
  • You don’t mind if I feed the other horses now, do you?
  • Are you sure you have them on the correct foot?
  • If he didn’t kick like that, I’d trim him myself.
  • Would you mind trimming my new WILD BLM mustang?
  • Can we shoe him in the arena? If he rears in the barn, he hits his head.
  • You sure earned your money on that one!
  • I forgot you were coming; I just turned all the horses out.
  • Oh, it rained (or snowed) and his feet are REALLY muddy, just clean them off before you shoe him will you.
  • I’m sure glad you don’t mind shoeing him after he’s been standing in all that poop.
  • Can you make it after six, or on Sunday because I have to work.
  • I just cannot believe that he bit you.
  • I read all about the Natural Way to trim on the internet, and you’re supposed to. . .
  • Did that hurt?
  • I know that he is difficult to shoe, but he is so good on the trails.
  • It doesn’t look like he’s leaning from here.
  • Good morning – glad you’re here – can we reschedule? I have a lot going on today.
  • It’s so cool that he can balance on just two feet.
  • Can you shoe him so that he doesn’t paw?
  • Don’t tell my husband that I used the grocery money.
  • Most times when he kicks, he misses!
  • Just do the hinds – I’ll do the fronts.
  • I left the checkbook in the car, and my wife/husband just left – can you bill me?
  • Does it mean my horses have some sort of deficiency when they chew the paint off your truck like that?
  • This horse does forge, also interferes, and sometimes hits his knees….
  • We need to keep the price down on this bill. I got a bargain on these shoes at a rummage sale, could you use them instead and save me some money?
  • Oops! Wrong horse.
  • I know I said just one trim, but can we shoe ‘em all as well?
  • My weanling colt needs a trim, and I figured you could halter break him at the same time.
  • I’ve got a new horse whose feet are in pretty bad shape. The previous owners said their farrier wouldn’t work on him.
  • I know it’s been a long day for you; that’s why I saved the worst one for last.
  • If my other farrier’s ribs weren’t broken, he’d be able to get shoes on this horse.
  • It’s a good thing you’re slow today, or he’d have had shoes on when he kicked your truck.
  • My grandpa used to shoe horses like you, only he used a sledge and a corn knife.
  • I don’t understand why the shoes didn’t stay on. I just had them done 12weeks ago.
  • I know I haven’t used you before, but I need the horse in the morning and every other farrier I called was busy


Kim and I tested Poppi's milk last night. Her calcium is over 200 ppm!! Her PH has dropped, but it has a little bit to go yet.
We are hoping she will go tonight, but we have a mid April snow storm moving in. Apparently, Mother Nature hates Wisconsin! From the research that has been done, mares can delay the delivery for up to 3 days after her milk tests ready. Part of me wants the foal to be born tonight just to get this horrible waiting over with, but the logical part knows tonight would be bad with the colder weather moving in. I don't want to sleep in the cold barn tonight, and I don't want a little wet foal in this weather either.
I checked Medusa over last night too. I think we have a bit of a wait with her yet. She still has quite a bit of muscle tone in her tail and no jello muscles going on in her rear end. Her udder is large and full, but the rest of the signs say she will be about a week.
We should have foal pics to share soon! :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

So tired of the waiting!

What do mares teach us? Patience. Lots and lots and lots of patience!
Waiting for 2 mares to foal requires a lot more patience than I possess. Today, Poppi is at day 350, and Medusa is at day 333. *sigh*
Medusa seems to be progressing much faster than Poppi, despite a due date of 17 days later. Hopefully, that means I will get the filly I'm wanting, since colts seem to take longer to "cook".
I've been testing Poppi's milk with pool test strips, since I don't know much about her breeding history other than she has had one foal, and she aborted her 2010 foal. Her calcium is testing at about 150, and her PH is holding at about 7.2.
I have not tested Medusa's milk, as I'm sure the cranky witch would love to take a shot at my head. As her pregnancy progresses, she is getting more and more grouchy. Poppi on the other hand, is such a sweet mare.

I hope to be able to update later this week with foal pictures. I hope that Poppi gives me a bay colt and Medusa gives me a buckskin filly, but as long as they are happy, healthy babies, I'm a lucky girl. :)

Introducing our new mare, Imachocolatelollipop!

Allow me to introduce our newest addition!

Imachocolatelollipop, 2001 dark brown mare by Chips Count Chocula out of Rhonda Rosemont. She has almost $2600.00 in NSBA earnings.


Poppi has had one other foal, Absolutely Oprah, an '08 filly by Absolute Investment. This filly sold at the AQHA World Show as a yearling in '09 for $5200.00.

 Absolutely Oprah

Poppi is bred to the same stallion as Medusa for 2011. Hot by Invitation, 2006 AQHA Buckskin stallion sired by Multiple Congress Champion, Gucci Only out of The Hot Mouse, by Hotrodders Jet Set. "Rodney" was named Buckskin Congress Champion 2 year old stallion his only time shown. His show career was cut short due to injury.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Why Do I Like Horses

Why do I like horses? I think I must be mad.
My mother wasn't horsey - And neither was my dad.

But the madness hit me early - and it hit me like a curse.
And I've never gotten better. In fact I've gotten worse.

I hardly read a paper - but I know who's sold their horse.
And I wouldn't watch the news - Unless Mr. Ed was on - of course.

One eye's always on the heavens - but my washing waves in vain
As I rush to get the horses in - in case it's gonna rain.

I spend up every cent I've got - on horsey stuff for sure
I buy saddles, bridles, fancy boots - and then I buy some more.

I can't sew on a button - I don't even try
But I can back a truck and trailer - in the twinkling of an eye.

It's jeans and boots that I live in night and day
And that smell of sweaty horses just doesn't wash away.

I ache from long forgotten falls. My knees have got no skin.
My toes have gone a funny shape - from being stomped on again and again.

But late at night, when all is still - and I've gone to give them hay,
I touch their velvet softness and my worries float away.

They give a gentle nicker and they nuzzle through my hair
And I know it's where my heart is - more here than anywhere. 

~Author Unknown

Thursday, December 16, 2010

GAH! I'm losing patience!

I am usually pretty good about waiting for horse related things. I am all for waiting until AT LEAST 3 years old to start horses under saddle. I ride dressage, and good things come to those who wait when bringing along the dressage horse.

But I am losing patience with Medusa. She still has 142 days to go before she foals. I know, I know, I can't change it, but darn it, I WANT TO SEE THE BABY!!! :(

I will post baby belly pics soon! In the mean time, here is a cute pic of a buckskin mare with her baby buckskin! :)

On the bright side, the bitterly cold snap is over for now. It's pretty sad that I am excited about being 17 degrees, but anything above zero feels great!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A little somthing about my daughter....

My little girl is getting to be more and more aware of herself and her surroundings. She is also getting to be a bit selfish and possessive, especially about a little pillow that belongs to Kim.

The Toddler's Creed

If I want it, it's mine.
If I give it to you and change my mind later, it's mine.
If I can take it away from you, it's mine.
If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
If it's mine it will never belong to anyone else no matter what.
If we are building something together, all the pieces are mine.
If it looks like mine, it's mine.

Lets talk about the weather!

Today, I would like to piss and moan about the cold snap we are having in Wisconsin following the huge snow storm that just went through. We got about 18" of snow, 30 MPH winds, and now we are in a deep freeze with lows around -15.

The outlet that my tank heater is plugged into took a shit, my water hose froze solid, and my damn truck gelled up this morning! I am so ready for it to warm up!

We got the outlet fixed last night thanks to Timmy and Chaz, so now the steers have liquid to drink. We dragged the hose down to the heated part of the lower barn to thaw out (dragging hoses around sucks. However, it doesn't suck nearly as bad as hauling buckets!). I had to 2 foot my truck most of the way to work, but she is now in the shop warming up.

I really hate Wisconsin winters. On the bright side, neither of my frost free hydrants (which I hate with a PASSION) have frozen yet. I pray every night that they stay nice and warm and keep working like they are supposed to. I am not looking forward to having to dig one or both of them up and take the torch after them! Kim and I did adopt the heat gun from the shop. Horsepower Acres is now the proud new owner of a slightly used heat gun, and Pure Diesel Power needs to buy a new one. :)

Kim has been frozen solid for the last 5 days. I think we are all pretty tired of having little snot-cicles hanging from our noses. I got pretty annoyed last night when I got my jeans wet while rinsing and refilling the waterer for the chickens. They froze solid instantly. Luckily, I remembered to put on a pair of thermal underwear so it didn't freeze right to my leg. Crunchy, ice crusted pants are no fun to walk around in!

Speaking of chickens, our girls don't seem to care that the days are short and it's cold outside. They are laying too many eggs! We have been giving them to whomever will take them. In this cold snap the eggs that are layed after we leave in the morning are frozen by the time we collect them after work. Silly chickens! I hope they figure out it is winter and slow down the production soon!

Stay warm my friends!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A bit of horsey terminology

A bit of terminology to help you newbies decipher those Horse For Sale Ads!

* Event Prospect = Big Fast Horse
* Dressage Prospect = Big Slow Horse
* Hack Prospect = Pretty Color
* Sporting Prospect = Short Fast Horse
* Camp Prospect = Fast Horse which can turn
* Endurance Prospect = Fast Horse which will turn sometimes
* Flashy = White Socks
* Attractive = Bay
* 15.2hh = 14.3hhh
* 16.2hh = 15.3hh
* To Loving Home = Only Expensive
* To Show Home Only = Very Expensive
* Needs Experienced Rider = Potentially Lethal
* Elegant = Thin
* In Good Condition = Foundered
* Free Moving = Bolts
* Quiet = Lame in Both Front Legs
* Dead Quiet = Lame in All Four Legs
* Good in Traffic (Bombproof) = Lame all Round, Deaf and Blind
* Loves Children = Kicks and Bites
* Pony Type = Small and Hairy
* Arab Type = Looks startled
* TB Type = Looks Terrified
* Quarter Horse Type = Fat
* Warmblood Type = Big and Hairy
* Draught Type = Big and Exceedingly Hairy
* Easy to Catch = Very Old
* Must Sell = Wife has left home and taking kids
* All Offers Considered = I am in Traction for 6 months
* Reluctantly selling = Sale Comes with Title Deeds to Sydney Harbor Bridge

Introducing Medusa!

That Mito Look aka Medusa is a triple registered (AQHA, ABRA and IBHA) buckskin mare by the late great Mito Cierra. She is a 2000 model. She is a multiple futurity money winner, Reserve World Champion, ROM in Longe Line and World Champion producer.

A pic from back in her show days in 03:

I'm waiting on more of her old show pics from Jan Gates of Gates Performance Horses in MI. Jan campaigned her throughout her show career. I'll post them up when I get them.

A few pics of her daughter, That Krymsum Look aka Gracie, by One Hot Krymsun:

Medusa came to me in August of 2010 by way of my friend Nikki Seehafer of Seehafer Quarter Horses. Nikki was having a personality clash with her, and Medusa had to go. I wanted another bitchy mare to keep Turbo in line, so it worked out perfectly!

Shortly after Medusa came home:

Oh, and did I mention that she's due in May? SQUEE! She is bred to Hot By Invitation, 2006 AQHA/IBHA/ABRA Dark Buckskin Stallion by Gucci Only (by Invitation Only) and out of The Hot Mouse (by Hotrodders Jet Set)

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the foal! I will have to get some more recent pics to show off the baby belly, which is HUGE already!

I should probably get a few pics to show why we call her Medusa too. :)

Until next good and stay safe!

Meet Willow!

So we picked up a couple of new girls that you fabulous masses haven't heard about yet because I am admittedly a terrible blogger!

Meet Willow!

Turbo, Vegas, and Willow

Turbo making Willow look tiny!!

Kimberly likes Willow, too!!

Willow is a Clydesdale/QH cross mare. I first met her in 2009. She's not the prettiest thing, but she is SAFE.

Garrett has ridden her a couple of times (LE GASP!) and he likes her.

Elida also thinks riding Willow is super cool!

Willow is safe enough for the beginners, is trail safe, and I also think she is going to make a cute little lower lever dressage prospect. She is broke, but has never had any formal training, so she has a long way to go. Right now we are just taking it slow, learning how to give and how to bend.

Did I mention she is safe? LOL! Here is our newest employee, Chaz, riding Willow. First time rider! Woo Hoo!